The Elegant Contribution Guidelines require that each commit submitted for consideration be formatted according to the Git Commit Guidelines.

To make this process easier, the Elegant repository is configured to support the Commitizen tool. This tool saves time by controlling the format of the Git commit messages to a set of predefined options and patterns. This formatting allows for our release process to be fully automated.


Both Node.js and Yarn must be installed on your system.

Install Commitizen

From your command line terminal, go into the directory containing your fork of the Elegant repository, then execute the following commands:

yarn global add commitizen
yarn install

Use Commitizen

As the Elegant team has already made the repository Commitizen friendly, you can start using it for your commits by entering git-cz in your command shell instead of git commit. Make sure the changes that you want to commit to your fork are staged.

Once invoked, Commitizen will prompt you for answers to a number of questions. As mentioned previously, the answers to these questions are formatted according to the Git Commit Guidelines before being placed into the message field for the commit. Commitizen then follows through and invokes git commit, committing the staged changes along with the formatted message that was crafted for you from the answers you provided.

In some cases, such as a Git pre-commit hook failure, you may not want to re-answer the questions again. Once you fix the issues that prevented the commit from happening, you can use git-cz --retry to submit the commit again using the same answers that were used in the failed attempt.

Video Demonstration

For a quick video on how this process works in real life, click on the play button below.

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Talha Mansoor Avatar Talha Mansoor is the creator and lead developer of Elegant theme.
Jack De Winter ever evolving, ever learning


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